As The Intercept reported at the time, 50 senators voted for the amendment and 40 voted against it, “but due to parliamentary maneuvering by Senate leadership, it needed 60 votes to pass”

In a joint statement on Friday, a coalition of progressive advocacy groups led by Win Without War and CREDO Action said, “Congress must continue using every available tool at its disposal to ensure that Donald Trump and John Bolton’s march to war is fully blocked.”

“A strong majority of Americans—whom Congress is most directly accountable to—do not want another costly and disastrous war in the Middle East,” the groups said, “and would rather the U.S. return to compliance with the Iran nuclear deal.”

The House on Friday also passed Rep. Barbara Lee’s (D-Calif.) amendment to repeal the 2002 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF), which permitted the Bush administration to invade Iraq.

“Congress took a historic step today to stop our endless wars,” Lee said. “Congress has the constitutional duty to declare war and authorize the use of force, and part of that is the responsibility to remove this unnecessary and outdated authorization. I’m glad Congress took this step to help restore our constitutional obligation to do our job when it comes to matters of authorizing war. It is far past time we remove this unnecessary and outdated authorization.”

Diane Randall, executive secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), applauded the passage of the two amendments in a statement.

“This landmark pair of victories,” Randall said, “signals a turning-point in the congressional tide away from war and toward the path of peace.”

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