It was a tragic day to find out that Brian Lawler was found hanging in his isolated jail cell three weeks after being incarcerated for his third DUI arrest on July 7th. According to their attorney, The Lawler Family is interested in understanding exactly what happened to him.
Lawler Family Attorney Ted Hansom told WBTV News that the family is looking for exact answers about what happened in the events leading to Brian’s death. The family is also shocked by the idea that Brian committed suicide while incarcerated.
“What’s been put out is this is a suicide or attempted suicide,” Hansom said. “So yes, I would say the family is certainly shocked and surprised at that.”
Sheriff John Doolen said that Brian exhibited no signs of suicidal tendencies before his incarceration and he was in isolation due to his notoriety.
The Hardeman County Jail where Brian was incarcerated during his final weeks is only an eight-year-old facility. Inspectors have passed the jail in the last three annual inspection reports, the last one being in February, but Hanson is skeptical.
“I accept the reports for what they are and to the extent that they represent a report,” Hanson said. “Obviously in this day and time, many places, particularly jails have video cameras in just about every corner. So it would be interesting to see the actual events.”
Fox 19 reports that The Hardeman County Jail’s February inspection revealed that jailers need to be more consistent when checking on their inmates. State law requires jailers to check on inmates at least once an hour and document each occurrence. It was also noted that the jail is in need of a new security camera system.
The Tennessee Bureau Of Investigation has an open case on the matter and have asked Jerry Lawler not to comment on the situation. Hansom said that The Lawler Family is waiting for answers from the medical examiner’s report and The TBI’s investigation. At this time there is no timetable as to when those reports will be released.