With as a many as 1,500 separate protests planned for Walmart locations on the day known as “Black Friday,” workers for the retail giant and supporters of their cause to win better treatment and increased wages are using the year’s busiest shopping day to draw attention to the growing movement of low-wage workers rising up against poverty and disrespect in the workplace.

Under the hashtag #walmartstrikers, Twitter users are tracking updates and posting photos from actions across the country:

Tweets about “#walmartstrikers”

Among the journalists who have most closely followed the growth of the Walmart workers movement led by the group (@forrespect), Salon.com’s Josh Eidelson (@josheidelson) and The Nation’s Allison Kilkenny (@allisonkilkenny)were live-tweeting the day’s unfolding events:

Tweets from https://twitter.com/commondreams/black-friday

As Eidelson reported Friday:


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