Added Carroll Muffett, president of the Center for International Environmental Law: “The universe of subjects Rex Tillerson knows, admits to knowing, or is permitted to speak to is vanishingly small for someone who would be the U.S. voice to the world. Listening to his hearing, it would be easier to conclude Tillerson is under criminal investigation than under consideration for secretary of state.”

Meanwhile, InsideClimate News reporter Neela Banerjee noted that “Tillerson answered questions about whether the United States would remain in the Paris climate accord in a such a non-committal way that he left open the possibility for the Trump administration to ditch the agreement or pull out of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), as some of the President’s team have recommended.”

And when questioned about whether human activity is contributing to climate change, Tillerson also failed to give a straight answer.

“The increase in greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere are having an effect,” he told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “Our ability to predict that effect is very limited.”

In fact, Banerjee wrote, “[t]hat’s incorrect. Climate scientists have gotten an increasingly fine-grained view of the effects climate change is having and could have, including longer and more intensive heat waves and droughts, sea level rise and its impact on coastal communities, loss of species, increase in pests, and constrained water resources.”

ExxonMobil itself has for decades been preparing for “rising sea levels, warming temperatures, and increasing storm severity” caused by climate change, as the Los Angeles Times reported in its 2015 ExxonKnew investigation.

“If after 40 years of climbing up the company ladder and 10 years at the helm, Tillerson ‘lacks knowledge’ about ExxonMobil corporate strategy on climate change—including its role in spreading climate disinformation and funding denial groups—then he should have been fired as CEO long, long ago,” declared Kathy Mulvey, climate accountability campaign manager for the Union of Concerned Scientists, on Wednesday. “And as someone who continues to disparage climate models, he is unfit to lead the U.S. and world on climate action.”

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