In 2013, the senator reminded him, Republicans were intent on shutting down the government in protest of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

“Obama was not going to repeal Obamacare and…allow tens of millions of people to lose their health insurance,” said Sanders.

A Quinnipiac poll taken in October 2013 found that, similarly to today, most Americans opposed the GOP’s position surrounding that month’s two-week government shutdown.

Seventy-two percent of those surveyed that month said Congress should not cut off government funding to prevent implementation of the law.

Sanders also echoed statements by Democrats including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) who said that while they did not agree with Trump’s signature campaign promise to erect a 30-foot wall at the U.S.-Mexico border, they were willing to negotiate on the border wall in order to protect Dreamers.

“I think the wall was a great idea in the 15th century, when the Chinese built the Great China Wall. I don’t think it makes a whole lot of sense now,” Sanders noted. “But I’m willing to sit down in a room and do what the American people want. And what the American people want is to provide legal status to the dreamers and a path towards citizenship.”

As Brianna Rennix wrote at Current Affairs last week, a compromise on the border wall could work as a long-term strategy for Democrats to win long-term protections for immigrants.

“The Wall will take a very long time to build, and will have many fewer immediate-term impacts on vulnerable immigrants than any of the other items on the Republicans’ wishlist,” wrote Rennix. “In the longer term, walls are not very hard to demolish. Under the circumstances, the fact that the Wall may well prove an ineffectual waste of funds is a boon, not a disadvantage: Democrats complaining that the Wall is poor value for money ought to be grateful for the opportunity to divert a chunk of Trump’s budget towards something that will fail to accomplish his diabolical goals.”

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