A spokesperson for Gillibrand told the news outlet for its reporting that if the decision to throw her hat in the ring is made, “she will run a campaign that takes no corporate PAC money and is powered by grassroots donations, and based on her values of standing up to those in power and returning our democracy to the people where it belongs.”

While some progressives argue that Gillibrand’s Wall Street ties would be a major “problem” if she decides to run in 2020, she has also staked out serious and far-reaching positions on women’s equality, backed the demand for Medicare for All, supported legislation to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, and signed a pledge not to take fossil fuel industry money during her campaign.

Regarding the back and forth with reporter about her record, Gillibrand was given credit for addressing the issue. As journalist Peter Sterne wrote, “Gillibrand is very good at engaging with her critics, constituents and journalists. Even when I disagree with her policies, I appreciate that she generally doesn’t attack the media or criticize journalists for asking questions.”

Acknowledging the importance of her votes against Wall Street, Sirota in a subsequent tweet responded to Gillbrand by saying “those are good votes to promote,” but then asked the Senator why she voted with a majority of Republicans against a 2010 bill that would have broken up the largest Wall Street banks.

As of this writing, Gillibrand has not responded to the question. While voicing her opinion that Gillibrand should not run in 2020 based on her too-cozy ties to Wall Street, Splinter‘s Libby Watson also said that it’s entirely possible for the senator from New York to come out early and pledge not to accept such backing if she runs for president.

Either way, Watson concluded, “The Democratic Party needs a clean break from corporate money and influence if it’s ever going to govern well, win back the trust of voters, or truly represent the working class. It can’t afford to nominate someone whose first call is to Wall Street executives for cash.”

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