Ring Of Honor’s Velvet Sky recently spoke with TV Insider about a range of topics, including The Allure and working for ROH.
On comparisons between The Allure and The Beautiful People:
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“Everyone keeps comparing The Allure to the Beautiful People. It’s not the same concept. Adding Mandy to the group, she is a perfect fit. She looks great. She can definitely hold her own in the ring. We’re not doing the Beautiful People 2.0 without Madison [Rayne], which seems to be the consensus that is out there among certain people in the business and wrestling fans as well.”
On the negative reaction they have received:
“Lots of haters, sub-tweeters, group texting, shade thrown our way, jealousy we’ve seen. It’s funny because it doesn’t matter to us. It doesn’t trigger us at all. We just sit back and say, ‘Wow, look at the powerful buzz the three of us have created just by joining forces together’ It just makes sense.”
On being inspired by WWE’s Attitude Era:
“There are some fans who do appreciate what we bring to the table. The thing is for me personally, I grew up in the ‘Attitude Era.’ I grew up with the Torrie Wilson’s, the Sable’s. The glitz and the glamour girls, which is what inspired me and was my first taste of wrestling. They were the ‘hair and makeup’ girls. Then they got in the ring and were able to mix it up and not just look good. It’s the same thing with The Allure. Just because these are attractive women doesn’t mean we aren’t going to be able to go out there and kick ass.”
TV Insider