Environmentalists are not the only ones questioning the validity of the upcoming State Department decision in light of this calamitous assessment.

Citing the Friends of the Earth report, even Bloomberg Businessweek laments that these conflicts of interest may mean “game over” for the Keystone XL.

And in a letter sent Wednesday, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) urged the State Department to correct the “significant mistakes” in the draft SEIS, which include underestimating the costs of transporting the crude tar sands and the falsity of calling the project ‘inevitable.’

As Anthony Swift of the Natural Resources Defense Council observed:

Blasting the State Department’s tabulation of increased emissions, which omits emissions from co-products of tar sands besides gasoline and diesel, the legislators estimate that replacing conventional crude with tar sands from Keystone XL would amount to 24.3 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMTCO2e) each year or 1.2 billion MMTCO2e over the project’s minimum lifetime.

“[I]f the climate change effects of the Keystone XL pipeline are not considered to be significant, it is unclear whether there is any individual project in the US that would ever be considered significant,” they write, referring to comments made by President Obama during his June climate change speech.

“We request the State Department to acknowledge that the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline would have significant consequences for climate change,” they conclude, adding that a “thorough and meaningful analysis” must be done in order to properly assess the effect of the pipeline on “emissions of carbon pollution and the threat of climate change.”


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