The United States currently ranks 120th in the world for average national turnout, according to the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.

Sanders acknowledges Democracy Day won’t be a “cure-all,” adding that public funding of elections and an amendment to overturn Citizens United are also essential to achieving “the kind of political system that the world can look upon as an example, not a failure.”

Election watchdog groups charged that the 2014 midterms were the most “unfair, confusing, and discriminatory election landscape” in fifty years, with voters nationwide facing a slew of new voting rules and restrictions meant to suppress turnout. Further, this election also marked the most expensive midterm election in history with dark money groups spending $1 billion to sway American voters.

“Throughout American history, people have fought and died to protect our democracy and set an example for other nations,” Sanders continued. “When billionaires and corporations tilt elections, conservatives suppress voting and crucial voters feel unengaged, what kind of example for the world is that?

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