Garrett Blad, national press coordinator for the Sunrise Movement, called Perez’s comments “pathetic” and “disastrous for my generation and millions everywhere.”

“Not even our so-called ‘leaders’ are courageous enough to tell the truth about the emergency we are in,” Blad added. “Climate isn’t one issue, it’s every issue.”

Blad’s response echoed author and activist Naomi Klein’s point that the climate crisis “is not an ‘issue’—it’s the backdrop for all other issues.”

“It’s the fabric of life on Earth,” Klein tweeted last week, “and it is unraveling.”

Perez’s comments came as he is under growing pressure from environmental groups, 2020 Democratic presidential contenders, and DNC members to reverse his decision against hosting a climate-specific debate.

As HuffPost reported Friday, more than “50 voting members of the Democratic National Committee have submitted a resolution calling on DNC Chairman Tom Perez to hold a presidential debate devoted exclusively to the topic of climate change.”

“The signers plan to collect more signatures and submit the resolution for official consideration at a DNC meeting in Pittsburgh at the end of the month,” according to HuffPost. “Perez would be free to reject it, even if it had majority support in the DNC. In the meantime, it is intended to function as an open letter and source of pressure on Perez.”

Additionally, the Sunrise Movement said hundreds of thousands of people have signed its petition calling on the DNC to host a debate focused on the climate emergency and 2020 candidates’ plans to confront it.

“Climate change is not just a ‘single issue’ but something that impacts all other issues,” the petition reads. “Americans understand that. It’s why climate is a top issue in this election. Our survival is at stake. It’s time for the political and media establishment to act like it.”

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