Manufacturers frequently turn to zinc plating to protect metal parts from corrosion, a reliable and proven method for extending metal durability. Widely used across industries, zinc plating not only shields metal surfaces from environmental exposure but also enhances longevity in demanding applications. While nickel plating is another go-to for durability and aesthetics, zinc plating stands…
Month: November 2024
When Is the Right Time to Buy Gold?
In our previous SPOTLIGHT issues, we’ve looked at tools and drivers signaling the current bullish case for gold. Still, predicting the market, and especially the price of gold, is no easy feat as it can be influenced by multiple factors at any given time. So what’s the right time to buy gold, you’ll ask? Actually,…
Zero Grau 2024
Zero Grau: the trade show No Zero, the Hall of Trends in Shoes & Accessories is a fair focused on launches, fashion and technology that will anticipate the new collections Autumn / Winter major brands of footwear from Brazil. The event brings together leading retailers Brazilians, personalities from the world of footwear and accessories, in…
本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用 日期的格式是多种多样的,在一张Excel表格中可能会出现多种呈现日期的方式,看起来不太美观,遇到这种情况可以统一将格式设置成相同,那么在Excel表格中如何统一设置日期格式呢? 第一步:打开Excel。 第二步:找到工具栏, 选择A列,然后依次点击【数据】、【分列】: >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 第三步:在弹出来的对话框里,前两步不需要去更改: >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 第四步:将弹出的对话框里的【常规】改为【日期】: >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 第五步:确定日期后面的格式为【YMD】(也就是年月日),然后点击【完成】: >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 第六步:点击鼠标的右键,找到然后选择【设置单元格格式】: >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 第七步:找到【分类】,在【分类】中选择【自定义】,将类型设置为“yyy/mm/dd”的形式,最后点击【确定】就好了: >>免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 那么,在Excel表格技巧当中,为Excel表格如何统一日期格式的方法,是不是很简单呢,你学会了吗? Keyword: wps官网下载
What is GD&T and How is it Used?
What is GD&T and How is it Used? GD&T or Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing is an important piece of communication between engineers and manufacturers. It is the system used to communicate acceptable levels of deviation from a part’s design dimensions. GD&T is, however, a complex topic that is often misunderstood. This article aims to remove…
What is galvanization and how can it improve metal parts?
Galvanization is a process for adding a coating of zinc to the surface of steel or iron. Since the zinc acts as a sacrificial coating, it protects the steel or iron underneath and can therefore extend the lifespan of metal parts. But galvanization is a complex process that can be carried out in several ways….
从搭配到细节你知道chanel2.55 Reissue哪些不同吗
说到经典款估计大家都很熟悉了,比如chanel2.55 Reissue,看上去简约低调的经典面孔,似乎也没什么不同处吧,但是当你真正拥有他的时候,也许就会发许你对他的认识还很少,或者说只是对他的面孔很熟悉罢了,经常有人会问,自己托朋友或者商家代购回来的chanel2.55 Reissue怎么辨别真假?现在精仿的那么多,毕竟不是自已从专柜入手的,带到专柜去验货心里会有些担忧,从百度搜到的图片对比看吧,外观上根本发现不出有哪儿不对,而细节方面应该怎么去辨别呢? 如果要问chanel2.55 Reissuee有哪些不同?答案是处处不同的,无论了爱这款包的你更了解,下面由美丽包包整现的设计与手工细节,希望可以帮到你。 整体做工 正品的与最优的香奈儿包包做工是一流的,普通假货的做工远没有最优真品精致,绗缝线迹太明显了,做工粗糙,还会发现包包上有脱水痕迹。 拉链 真品Chanel所有拉链的钩链处都有一个珠宝主题的钩扣,通常是早期的狮头或是著名的双C字型,刻有小香标志。真品拉链的分量较重,收口的地方通常隔着羊皮,而且用双线缝口。假的Chanel拉链的收口处则可以看到胶水的痕迹。 金属扣 chanel2.55 Reissue采用复古五金设计,刻的logo,看上去有刮花的做旧感,不过金属质感是粗中有细的,细看金属扣边角摸上去光滑细致,没有刮手的感觉。 螺丝 正品采用的是一字螺丝,有些仿的采用的是十字螺丝,不仔细观察还发现不了。 皮质 大部分的Chanel是用小羊皮制造的,不过chanel2.55 Reissue采用的是手掌纹牛皮制作的,手感也不硬,皮质上有明显的纹路,就与手掌纹一样,清晰自然,有些仿的手掌纹牛皮纹路生硬,甚至有凹凸感,手感很硬。 包包的缝线 chanel2.55 Reissue采用较厚的牛皮,复古的感觉,所以采用较粗的缝线搭配,十分扎实不容易断,无论是菱格纹还是包身的缝线都十分精美,不会重复,当然边角处皮革缝接处比较厚,要采用机器缝线,而且会有连续缝线的细节。 链条肩带古铜色链条肩带,比黄铜色泽要暗淡,据说链条肩带设计灵感来自coco儿时住所孤儿院的锁链,纯金属打造,拿在手里有份量,不会很轻,因为这款包设计诞生历史很久,所以金属质感很朴实,不会像现在很多包包采用了较轻的合金金属感觉,链条肩带完全手工制作,每个金属环上都刻有图案,效果精美,重要的是不会轻易断链子。关于搭配,链条肩带可以调节的,变成长长的单链,与较短的双链条,满足女性手提、单肩斜挎搭配乐趣。 包包内衬 真品采用枣红色小羊皮皮衬里,内衬平整光滑,要比包外面的皮柔软许多,Chanel包包内里可看到烫金Chanel及Made in France/Italy的字样,字迹清晰不粗糙。包的内里有一张小贴纸,贴纸印有电脑打印的编号,这个编号跟身份卡上的编号以及原装盒上的编号是相同的。假的贴纸会有涂改的痕迹,编号是用电动打字机打上去的,很多香奈儿包里面都没有贴纸的。 翻盖内侧 正品香奈儿包第一层翻盖内层皮质平滑,做工平整,假货则可能会有皱缩等现象,包包内盖上可以看到枣红色羊皮被黑色牛皮包边的缝线细节,一周的缝线细节十分整齐不会歪歪斜斜。此外,香奈儿经典2.55包包第二层翻盖的里层会有双C缝线,你可仔细观察这个图案缝线是否对称,纹样大小粗细均适中。 背面贴袋 正品香奈儿2.55经典包的背面贴袋大小适中,同时袋面菱纹与包身菱纹完美对合,而假香奈儿包的贴袋尺寸则大小不一,菱纹错乱。此外,真品香奈儿包贴袋袋口弧线呈优美的波浪型,而假香奈儿的贴袋袋口弧线起伏单调。 包包底部 chanel2.55 Reissue底部大小号是不一样的,小号是整块皮的,而大号底部中间有一条接接的线,这款包底部两端可以捏成折叠的。 测量尺寸 225小号(宽W25.5×高H16×厚D7cm)、226中号(W27.5xH16xD8cm)、227大号(W31xH19xD9cm) Keyword: hermes lindy
Grant Wild Berry Light 4mg
Description Grant Wild Berry Slim Light – A more gentle pod from Grant with 4mg/g nicotine. This all white nicopod has a mix of wild berries freshened up with a hint of minty notes. FACTS Weight: 11,8g (net) Nicotine: 4 mg/g Flavour: Berry Pouches: 27 / can Pouch size: Slim Texture: Moist Available in: Single…
Extreme X Iceberry
Description Extreme X Iceberry – Tobaccofree All White Product with a sweet fruit flavour delivers a strong nicotine kick 30 mg/g. Long lasting Nico and flavor boost. FACTS Weight: 16 gram (net) Flavour: Fruity Nicotine: 30 mg/g Pouch size: slim Number of pouches: 20 Texture: moisture 6% Available: in single cans, roll (10 cans) Manufacturer:…
DUS Cap Can Green
Click:China space company Description Store your pods in a nicco jar – Green colored nicco jar of high quality and stylish design. The can has a lid on the top for used snus or nicotine bags. Available in different colors. Size and Weight Diameter 70 mm (2,75 inches) Height 20 mm (08, inches) Weight: 75…