Steam gift cards are a gift card of great potential to access a plethora of interesting gaming and entertainment content on the Steam store. So if you are a gaming enthusiast or get a fascination for developing various video games, you may have to know more about Steam gift cards. This does not rule out…
Month: November 2024
Irregular Verbs In English
For learners of English, the past tense of irregular verbs is pure horror. But it doesn’t have to be! Most of the time, all you really need is an overview to wrap your head around the business of irregular verbs. Add some easy to remember rules and suddenly irregular verbs aren’t as scary anymore. …
科比前队友直言库里没有 汤普森和格林他就不行了
在9月2日的一则报道中,科比和库里的前队友尼克·杨在一档节目中对库里与艾伦·艾弗森进行了比较。尼克·杨表达了自己的观点,认为库里无法像艾弗森那样带领76人队进入NBA总决赛。此前,尼克·杨也曾表示凯里·欧文的球技比库里更为出色。 值得注意的是,尼克·杨不仅与库里曾是队友,并且他们一起赢得了NBA总冠军,他亲眼见证了凯文·杜兰特连续两次获得总决赛最有价值球员(FMVP),因此,对于库里的球场实力,尼克·杨有着充分的了解和发言权。 尼克·杨作为库里前队友,他也支持库里,表示库里的历史地位高于艾弗森,他们是一样的。但尼克·杨认为库里没有汤普森和格林就不行,他无法单核带队。这是有道理的,没有汤普森,库里连季后赛都没进。甚至上赛季有保罗、汤普森和格林,库里都没进季后赛。库里的带队能力确实一般。 尼克·杨还举例说明,他表示如果让库里去跟艾弗森一样单核带76人,没有汤普森和格林辅助的话,他不行的,可能都赢不了几场比赛。尼克·杨继续表示,如果让库里取代艾弗森去带那支76人,根本进不了总决赛。而艾弗森当年可是遇到了奥尼尔和科比。 作为库里的前队友,尼克·杨知道库里什么水平,他可不会被营销和炒作蒙蔽了双眼,所以他知道库里没有汤普森和格林就不行,他知道库里没办法跟艾弗森一样把76人这样虽然强但可能不算总决赛球队的球队带进总决赛。确实如此,让库里跟乔丹最早带公牛和詹姆斯最早带骑士一样带队,他可能三四年就会退役。库里的带队能力,真的远不如乔丹和詹姆斯,最多就超一下科比和哈登。 Keyword: NBA live zhibo
科尔预计不会执教下届梦之队 斯波&泰伦-卢或成新帅人选
根据NBA著名记者马克-斯坦的报道,美国男篮可能即将宣布新任主教练的任命。现任主教练史蒂夫-科尔预计不会继续担任这一角色。 目前,迈阿密热火队的埃里克-斯波尔斯特拉和洛杉矶快船队的泰伦-卢被视为接替科尔的有力候选人,他们现在都是美国男篮的助理教练。 美国队刚刚连续第五次赢得奥运会金牌,而下一届国际篮联篮球世界杯要到2027年才会举行。如果科尔还在犹豫是否继续参加2028年洛杉矶奥运会,那么他将将有一段漫长的等待。 在2008年杜克大学老K教练之前,美国男篮主帅的总体趋势也是一位教练待一个奥运周期后就离开。斯波和泰伦-卢除了曾在科尔手下工作外,他们还被广泛认为是NBA最好的战术教练。 从未来美国男篮阵容角度来看,主帅的任务将会有一定挑战性。詹姆斯、杜兰特和库里可能不会参加2028 年奥运,恩比德和安东尼-戴维斯也不一定能上场。安东尼-爱德华兹表示自己不会参加2027年世界杯,至少目前是这样。 科尔之后,无论谁来领导美国队,世界杯时都会是一个巨大的挑战,下届奥运会时则会执教一支全新的队伍,但这一切似乎都没能阻止斯波和泰伦-卢报名参选。 Keyword: NBA zhibo
What is CAD: Its Advantages & Uses in Rapid Prototyping
CAD is a term that stands for Computer-Aided Design. It is the process of using computer software to create three-dimensional models of proposed products. This type of software is used by many industries in order to create drafts and models. It can be used to design both two-dimensional drawings and three-dimensional models with precise measurements….
VIRGO Zodiac Sign: Gemstones, Personal Mantra, Affirmations
Born between August 23 and September 22, Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the maiden. Known for their meticulous attention to detail, analytical nature, and constant quest for perfection, Virgos are practical, intelligent, and deeply service-oriented individuals. In this article, we’ll explore Virgo’s personality traits, ruling planet, mythology, elemental influences, favorite…
Beginner’s Guide to Emeralds
Known for their mesmerizing green color, emeralds are one of the most adored gemstones. They bring forth feelings of opulence and mystique like no other green gemstone can. The emerald is the most popular member of the beryl mineral family and the birthstone for the month of May. It’s one of the three traditional color…
Effects of Lipidation on a Short Antimicrobial Peptide
H. Bauke Albada, et al. have just reported (ACS Med. Chem. Lett., Just Accepted Manuscript DOI: 10.1021/ml300148v) that adding lipids attached to the sidechain of a lysine residue at the N- or C-terminal of the short antimicrobial peptide (Arg-Trp)3 significantly increased its activity. The lipidized peptides are even active against pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. Keyword: Peptide Analysis Services
Discriminating d-Amino Acid-Containing Peptide Epimers by Radica
Discriminating d-Amino Acid-Containing Peptide Epimers by Radical-Directed Dissociation Mass Spectrometry Y. Tao, N. R. Quebbemann, R. R. Julian, Anal. Chem., Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/ac3013434 Publication Date (Web): July 18, 2012 Copyright © 2012 American Chemical Society The presence of a single d-amino acid in a peptide is very difficult to detect. Mass spectrometry-based approaches rely…
10 Best Last Minute Christmas Gift Cards For Everyone
If you’re a last-minute shopper, you don’t have to worry anymore about the shipping delays that come with buying gift cards, especially when the deadline for a certain target seems too close. You can still comfortably gift the loved ones in your life who may seem hard to be shopped for, by sending them gift…