Prior to tonight’s WWE Smackdown Live, WWE will tape Lio Rush vs Noam Dar and Mustafa Ali vs Hideo Itami for Wednesday night’s episode of WWE 205 Live.
This Week’s Mae Young Classic Matches
The following matches will air on this week’s episode of the WWE Mae Young Classic airing after NXT on WWE Network:
-Rachel Evers vs. Hiroyo Matsumoto
-Jessie Elaban vs. Taynara Conti
-Nicole Mathews vs. Isla Dawn
-Io Shirai vs. Xia Brookside
More On Mia Yim WWE Signing
As we noted on Monday, WWE Mae Young Classic star Mia Yim has officially signed with WWE, and Yim released the following video following the WWE signing news:
Everything happens for a reason. It was all worth it. Videography by @2JZmk3
— Mia Yim (@MiaYim) September 24, 2018
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