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Matt Sydal was recently interviewed by the Interactive Wrestling Radio show where he talked about the changes at Impact Wrestling and the positive response to the new Orlando tapings.
The positive response to Orlando taping:
“Well, all I can tell you about those tapings are these were the tapings where I was most heavily involved. I was integral to these tapings and I really felt like I was able to get what I’ve been trying to say across. As the weeks go on, I think people will be able to enjoy our product, they’ll be able to log on, they can watch on POP! I always stand behind the things that I do. I don’t listen to those who downplay things nor do I pay attention to those who grovel at our feet and tell us that we’re the greatest. For me, that is just noise. I’m out there to produce the best content – The most creative content I can do and express myself through wrestling. If you watch what happened at these tapings, if you’re a fan of wrestling, you’ve got something to watch! I don’t know hwo much time you have got in your week to watch wrestling – Quite frankly, you’d be better off walking around a park with your phone not in your hand. But, when you’re done with that, come inside and watch Impact.”
On the changed backstage feeling:
“One different thing that I can tell you about backstage was, there were a lot of monitor sell outs this taping. People really wanted to see what was happening in the ring. The production is coming together, the production looks great. Impact is jsut always improving at all angles. There is a lot of creativity and thought that goes into everything. I’m happy to be a part of it as we move forward. And, I’m happy to move things in the wild direction! I am able to move things and steer things into a direction I’ve wanted to for my whole career.”
Comparing his ROH, WWE and Impact runs:
“That’s the thing. I always love the locker rooms that I end up in. There is so much great talent. (In WWE) I had so many awesome matches with the Usos, Primo and Epico, me and Kofi tore it up for years. I’ve wrestled Chavo. I’ve wrestled Jericho! I had so many awesome matches there (WWE). In Ring of Honor, I had such awesome matches with Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles both before and after my turn with WWE. I mean, working with Will Ospreay before he broke out of England, working with him in Japan. Marty (Scurl), The Bucks! I’ve just been forever super lucky. So, in this Impact locker room, we’ve got some insane talent. Guys you need to keep your eye on are Desmond Xavier and Zach Wentz, the oVe guys are killing it. LAX and oVe had this insane feud! Brian Cage, Austin Aries, John Morrison (Impact) is returning from a secret location that may not be disclosed… All you can do is keep swinging for the fences. Whether it is good or bad, it all comes from a good place. I’m glad Josh (Mathews) thought these tapings were good. Clearly his spiritual path is right and he’s got his third eye open. I expect everybody else to do the same.”
Interactive Wrestling Radio