sources: Wrestling Observer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter
— WWE is apparently papering the last 5,000 to 7,000 seats or so because they are unable to sell them. This would be the first time Wrestlemania has been papered during the last few days since WrestleMania 8 or 9. Additionally, paid ticket sales as of last weekend were about 60,000, with about 6-7,000 given away to promotional partners, contests, friends, families, etc. Despite the heavy papering, the event has brought in $5.7 million, which would a North American pro wrestling record, and a top three gate of all-time, behind two New Japan Tokyo Dome events in the 1990’s.
— The latest weather forecast for tomorrow night in Orlando is 69 degrees and a 40% chance of intermittent rain during the event.
— As noted earlier, MVP & Maria appeared on the “Best Damn Sports Show Period” earlier in the week. Host Charissa Thompson met with MVP & Maria at a ring. MVP tried to give an in-ring wrestling lesson to Thompson, not to mention that he let her hold his WWE U.S. Title. Thompson also played SmackDown vs Raw ’08 with both MVP & Maria. If you missed the segment, you can see a video of it at this link. Thanks to Tavares Jones for the video.
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