WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what JR said about: Shwan Michaels Joining WWE’s Hall of Fame: “HBK is SO deserving and is arguably the greatest in ring performer of all time and let me tell you…
Month: January 2021
The Corre Added To SmackDown Roster, Lizzy Valentine Declines Tough Enough
— Members of The Corre, Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett, have been added to the SmackDown Superstars page on WWE.com. Barrett announced the formation of the group last night on SmackDown. — Former WCW Hardcore Champion Crowbar made his Ring of Honor debut at last night’s ROH on HDNet television taping…
Rumor On McMahon Stepping Down From WWE, Muhammed Hussan Update, More
— Today would have marked former WWE star Giant Gonzales’ 45th birthday. He passed away on September 22, 2010 due to complications of diabetes in his hometown of San Martin, Argentina. — Former WWE talent Mark ‘Muhammed Hassan’ Copani has launched an account on Twitter. He lists himself as an actor/entertainer. — The latest issue…
WWE Touts WWE Legend Booker T's Addition To "Tough Enough" Cast
WWE® LEGEND BOOKER T JOINS “WWE® TOUGH ENOUGH” AS TRAINER WWE® Legend and former World Heavyweight Champion Booker T joins USA Network’s upcoming non-scripted series WWE TOUGH ENOUGH as a trainer. Booker T will train and counsel the contestants competing to become the next WWE Superstar or Diva. The appointment of Booker T follows the…
Promo Video For WWE Extreme Rules PPV, New Additions To FCW Roster, More
— The promotional video for WWE’s Extreme Rules pay-per-view event has surfaced online. It is being advertised as “the one night of the year rules are meant to be… EXTREME!” Extreme Rules takes place May 1 at the St. Pete Times Forum in Tampa, Florida. — Former WWE star Viscera turns 39 years old today….
RAW Report 2/21/11 – Fresno, California
This week’s post Elimination Chamber RAW starts with the 2/21/11 and a 59:59 clock counting down below it. Is it Taker? Or has WWE pulled a coup? Cena’s music starts and he comes bouncing out, all smiles to mixed reaction. He salutes and runs for the ring. He waits in the ring, sucking up the…
The John Report: The WWE Raw Deal for 03/21/11 (Miz-tory)
The WWE Raw Deal for 03/21/11 (Miz-tory) By John Canton Follow me on Twitter @johnreport Live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania this is the Raw Deal… We got an announcement that the voice of WWE Jim Ross was there. Instead it was Michael Cole dressed up like Jim Ross in the full outfit. He made his way…
Cewsh Reviews Classics – WCW Superbrawl 2000
World Championship Wrestling Proudly Presents… WCW Superbrawl 2000 Welcome, CATS AND kittens to yet another installment of the consistently prefaced Cewsh Reviews. Tonight we’re playing the part of Doc Brown, and we’re strapping you into the DeLorean and setting the dial to the year 2000. There was so much of interest that year, as we…
Libye: l’Italie en désaccord avec la France sur le calendrier de sortie de crise
Tirs de roquettes dans le secteur de l’aéroport de Mitiga, le seul à desservir encore Tripoli, brève reprise des combats au sud de la capitale dans la nuit du 11 au 12 août et attaque contre le siège de la Compagnie Nationale de pétrole en plein centre ville, revendiquée par l’Etat islamique, le cessez-le-feu entre…
Trivia Note On Match Result For Next Week's TNA Impact (Contains Spoiler)
Sting become the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion at last night’s iMPACT! taping in Fayetteville, North Carolina, defeating Jeff Hardy. He is now the fifth oldest man to ever capture a world championship. The oldest would be Verne Gagne at 54, followed by Vince McMahon (54), Terry Funk (53) and Nick Bockwinkel (52). Sting is…