“While TFA uses the rhetoric of justice and equity, these reforms in fact stifle democratic processes and are used to justify budget cuts and the takeover of public institutions by privately funded and privately run companies.” -Valerie Strauss

After Hurricane Katrina, when Louisiana state officials laid off more than 7,000 employees and took over 102 of 117 city schools converting them to nonunion charters, Teach for America provided a large share of the replacements. 

“I don’t think this could have happened without TFA,” boasted Georgia State University assistant professor Kristen Buras. “You need these on-the-ground organizations that are going to assist the state with these reforms.”

This year, approximately 375 New Orleans teachers are members of TFA, up from 85 just a few years ago.

“While TFA uses the rhetoric of justice and equity, these reforms in fact stifle democratic processes and are used to justify budget cuts and the takeover of public institutions by privately funded and privately run companies,” added Strauss.

For just one example, watch this video from organization’s own website, where TFA alumnus turned Colorado State Senator Michael Johnston employs the language of the civil rights era to justify passage of Colorado’s high-stakes teacher accountability law:

Though the chorus of criticisms against the organization has grown, it was not until last month that the first coordinated effort to “put the breaks” on TFA took place when roughly one hundred students, parents, academics and teachers, some affiliated and others not with the organization, gathered in Chicago for a symposium entitled, “Organizing Resistance to Teach for America and its Role in Privatization.”

“The desire to make the world a better place is something that Teach for America taps into,” said TFA alumna Terrenda White, a graduate student at Teachers College, Columbia University.

“When did my willingness to teach in urban communities become translated to this very specific political agenda? It’s not what I believe in.”


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