A New York Times investigation in 2014 also found that a letter attributed to Pruitt lambasting EPA methane regulations had actually been penned by oil and gas producer Devon Energy.

The Democrats’ letter states:

Before the Senate votes on his confirmation, the letter continues, Pruitt should disclose his relationship with the RLDF; a list of all RLDF donors; what financial support Pruitt has requested and received through the fund; details of RLDF expenditures; all communications between Pruitt and RLDF officials; and a list of all legislation and regulations the fund has taken a position on and all actions that Pruitt has taken in response.

“The confirmation process, starting with your responses to committee questions before your hearing, is an opportunity for you to dispel the notion that the advocacy you have undertaken on environmental issues as Attorney General of Oklahoma has been directed by and for the benefit of the energy industry,” the letter concludes.

It was signed by Whitehouse, Jeff Merkley of Oregon, Cory Booker of New Jersey, Ed Markey of Massachusetts, Ben Cardin of Maryland, and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who caucuses with Democrats.

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