On last week’s episode, “The Monster” Matanza Cueto had another sacrifice and this time it was Saltador which leaves Paul London as the only member of the Rabbit Tribe, Killshot challenged for The Gift Of The Gods Title, but fell short to Dragon Azteca Jr. and Killshot, The Mack & Son Of Havoc lost The Trios Titles to The Reptile Tribe.
On this week’s episode, The Lucha Underground Title was defended when Pentagon Dark faced Brian Cage in a Last Man Standing Match and The Mack squared off against Mil Muertes in a Haunted House Match. Let’s get right into the action on this week’s episode.
Opening Segment:
Melissa Santos was in a dressing room and she looked sad. Dragon Azteca Jr walked in and they started talking about Fenix. She said that she misses him more every day. Then Dragon gave her half of a medallion on a necklace saying Fenix will always be with her this way. She called him a great friend and he said: “it’s showtime.”
Opening Contest:
The Mack vs Mil Muertes (Haunted House Match): The ring was surrounded by a steel cage with foreign objects strapped to the side of the cage walls. There were also Halloween decorations everywhere in and out of the ring. Catrina got in Melissa’s face and called her The B-word while saying that she forgot to introduce her. Santos said, “no” so Catrina smashed Melissa’s face off the cage several times and then she smashed a potted plant over her head.
Catrina (@KarleeLeilani) brutally destroys @ThisIsMelSantos for not announcing her name! @LuchaElRey #LuchaUnderground #LuchaLibre #LuchaLuchaLucha #ElReyNetwork #Catrina #MelissaSantos #Fenix pic.twitter.com/XcRM4LoWgp
— ProWrestlingRewind (@ProWRewind) August 23, 2018
Matt Striker said that Santos was taken to a local medical facility as the match started. Mil landed a few kendo stick shots and then he slammed Mack down before hitting another few more shots. Then he put a trash can on Mack and whacked it with a stick too. Mil grabbed a crowbar and hit Mack and then he whacked him with the trashcan over and over again. The Mack got his foot up in the corner and then he hit a few forearms but The Mack couldn’t hit a sunset flip without Mil muscling out of it.
Haunted House Chokeslam!! #luchaunderground @MilMuertes_LU pic.twitter.com/YNRLLG2X8M
— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) August 23, 2018
Mil hit Mack with a pumpkin and fish hooked him before The Mack returned fire with a chop and a jumping DDT. The Mack climbed to the top rope, but Mil stopped him and hit him with two spears in a row as the cage wall broke a little bit more each time. The Mack left the cage and then Mil nailed a DDT on the outside. Mil picked up a table and climbed up the side of the cage and then he hit a splash from the top rope for a two count. Mil set up two tables in the ring by propping them up on different turnbuckles before getting a knife off the side of the cage. Mil hit The Mack with the knife in the top of the head and Mack was busted wide open. He was bleeding very, very badly.
The Mack is NOT DONE!! #luchaunderground pic.twitter.com/bMR1f7EqaO
— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) August 23, 2018
The Mack came back for a moment and quickly put Mil through a table in the corner, but Mil muscled him through a table for a two count. Mil set up another table and tried to hit a flatliner on The Mack through a table but Mack fought back and he hit three stunners in a row to finally put Muertes down. Then Mack laid Mil on the table and climbed up to the top rope before Muertes sat up and climbed to join Mack. Then Muertes hit a flatliner from the top rope through the table for the win. There was no announcement of his victory because Melissa Santos wasn’t there. Winner: Mil Muertes
After the match, Mil wanted Catrina to execute the kick of death, but she said “no” and walked off.
Second Match:
Before the next match, Famous B was at ringside in his wheelchair. He said that he is going to announce since Melissa Santos was still gone. Then he started to introduce the guy who put him in the wheelchair, The Savage Jake Strong.
Jake Strong vs Aerostar: Strong and Aerostar fought until Aerostar ended up on the apron and Strong suplexed him back in. Aerostar returned with some quick offense and a crucifix pin for a two count.
“Can you guys GIF the very definition of a heel?” Sure thing: #luchaunderground pic.twitter.com/AouS2Xg1JZ
— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) August 23, 2018
Aerostar hit a dropkick off the ropes before Strong lifted him onto the apron and slammed him to the mat off the top rope. Then Strong got the ankle lock on and Aerostar quickly tapped out. Winner: Jake Strong
After the match, Drago ran out to the ring to save Aerostar after bidding farewell last week. Now the Super Friends have reunited on Lucha Underground as they stood against Strong.
Backstage Segment:
Worldwide Underground was backstage while Taya and Johnny opened some wedding presents. Johnny opened a big picture of himself holding The Lucha Underground Championship and he said that it was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen but it also reminds him of how his title was stolen. Taya said that he is going to steal it back. Then Taya said that she spoke to Antonio Cueto and Johnny will get a title shot on the week after their wedding. He said that next week he will take Taya’s hand in marriage and then the next week he will take The Lucha Underground Title. Mundo’s agent, Benji, showed up and Rickey Mundo wouldn’t let him in. Benji said that he was worthless and then the doll said that he shouldn’t talk to Ricky like that. So Ricky stabbed him to death with a fountain pen as the doll laughed manically and the screen split back briefly to Taya laughing while she opened another gift.
Main Event:
Pentagon Dark vs Brian Cage (Last Man Standing Match For The Lucha Underground Title): The two were fighting outside the ring from the get-go. Cage got a bottle smashed over his head and then he ripped Penta’s mask open and dug some broken glass into his forehead.
Lucha Life-Lesson: Don’t smash a bottle over Cage’s head. #luchaunderground pic.twitter.com/1u9iF4PEX2
— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) August 23, 2018
Cage got a table and tossed it in the ring. He propped the table up in the corner and then Penta nailed a death valley driver through the table. Marty Elias started counting. Penta rolled to the floor, but Elias kept counting. Penta returned with a chair and he smashed it over Cage’s head. Penta placed the chair over Cage and climbed to the top rope to nail a double stomp.
The Machine through a table #luchaunderground pic.twitter.com/sRLzWqctcc
— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) August 23, 2018
Cage rolled to the floor and then he powerbombed Penta onto the steel guardrail from the apron. Cage exposed the concrete floor as Penta smashed him with a trash can and then he tossed some cans in the ring. Cage hit Penta with a trashcan lid and then he suplex Penta through two tables set up at ringside. Cage got up, but Penta stayed on the floor for a bit longer. Penta was bleeding and his mask was torn to shreds as he laid against the side of The Temple.
Hardcore #ceromiedo #luchaunderground pic.twitter.com/l1qC5QWuze
— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) August 23, 2018
Cage and Penta fought on the apron and Penta hit Cage with a totally exposed chair shot to the head and then hit a powerbomb through a table. Cage got up at the count of nine and they made it back to the ring. Cage hulked up and hit a spear and a Drill Claw before leaving the ring only to return with another table. Cage set up the new table in the ring and then he got a cinder block. Suddenly, Penta sprung up and hit a shot to Cage’s head with the trash can lid. They set up on the top rope and then Penta hit a massive flipping piledriver through the table. Penta got some more chairs and filled the ring as referee Marty Elias kept counting.
How far warriors will go for the #luchaunderground Championship @MrGMSI_BCage pic.twitter.com/d7Ag3eJ4LD
— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) August 23, 2018
Pentagon set up several chairs in the ring and then Cage hit a knee and tried to powerbomb Pentagon through the chairs but Penta countered out of it and nailed an insane package piledriver through about eight chairs. Then Pentagon topped everything off by Pillmanizing Cage’s arm with a chair before breaking his arm and then he did the other one. Cage tried to get up, but then Pentagon nailed a curb stomp on the cinder block. Referee Marty Elias had no trouble counting to ten before declaring Pentagon Dark the winner and still champion. Winner & Still The Lucha Underground Champion: Pentagon Dark
Lucha Underground goes off the air with Pentagon Dark celebrating.