Representational Image Finance Minister Arun Jaitley today presented the government’s last full Union Budget. This budget was all about Roti, Kapda aur Kisan, with the FM announcing sops primarily for the agricultural sector. The Indian middle-class did not gain anything from this budget. Read more Click Here: gws giants guernsey 2019 Here’s more top news…
Month: February 2020
T’as le look…Bérénice Béjo
Elle passe cette année de l’autre côté du Palais. Bérénice Béjo est aujourd’hui à Cannes pour présenter le Passé de Asghar Farhadi, en compétition. Une couronne de nattes entour son doux visage. Bérénice Béjo est apaisée. La comédienne commence sa journée cannoise sous le soleil et c’est rare. Une belle éclaircie qui en dit long…
Justin Bieber: un nouveau tatouage en hommage à sa maman
A 19 ans, Justin Bieber compte déjà près d’une quinzaine de tatouages. Le dernier en date figure sur le creux de son bras où l’on voit un grand œil ouvert en hommage à sa maman. « Mom always watching » (« Maman maman veille toujours sur moi »). C’est ainsi que Justin Bieber a commenté…
Slovenia launches vote on gay marriage
EPA Slovenia launches vote on gay marriage The country’s EU commissioner and MEPs weigh in on the referendum. By Ryan Heath 12/15/15, 5:30 AM CET Updated 12/15/15, 3:26 PM CET EU politicians, including European commissioner Violeta Bulc, are urging Slovenia to back same-sex marriage as early voting begins Tuesday on a referendum that could overturn a…
Warsaw’s EU spat stalls German-Polish engine
Angela Merkel found herself in military uniform this week. Perched over a vast table of maps, the German leader appeared in full Nazi regalia alongside her trusted European generals, Jean-Claude Juncker and Martin Schulz. Though Germans are used to such provocations, the surprising thing this time was that it didn’t originate in Greece or Russia,…
Jean-Claude Juncker urges stronger Commission role on euro
European Commission's President Jean-Claude Juncker (right) welcomes Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem prior to the parliamentary debate | FREDERICK FLORIN/AFP/Getty Jean-Claude Juncker urges stronger Commission role on euro The currency is a ‘political project’ that needs democratic oversight, the president says. By Emmet Livingstone 12/15/15, 12:34 PM CET STRASBOURG — Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker told members…
Miami to Host America's First 'Concert Against Communism'
Music industry icons in Miami, Florida, announced the organization of an unprecedented charity concert against communism scheduled for April 11, 2020 – in the heat of a presidential election in which several Democrat candidates have openly embraced socialist ideas. The “Concert Against Communism” is the brainchild of legendary Miami producer Frankie Marcos and will be…
Guardiola praises Aguero for 'incredible' Madrid gesture
Guardiola left out several key players in his side’s recent Champions League victory at the Santiago Bernabeu Pep Guardiola has lauded Sergio Aguero for his “incredible” reaction to learning he was not in the starting line-up against Real Madrid on Wednesday. Neither Aguero nor David Silva got off the bench as City claimed a 2-1…
Snowden’s biggest European fan stays loyal
Edward Snowden is one of Jan Philipp Albrecht’s folk heroes. The Paris attacks didn’t change his mind, but the terrorists made his job harder. As the lead negotiator for the European Parliament on the General Data Protection Regulation, the German Green is the driving force behind a law that will harmonize data protection rules across Europe. The aim…
Shakira maman: la nouvelle est bidon
Aujourd’hui les Espagnols fêtent le jours des Saints innocents, leur premier avril à eux. Pour l’occasion, l’international espagnol Gerard Piqué – Monsieur Shakira à la ville – a annoncé sur Twitter que sa compagne avait accouché d’un petit garçon. Il n’en est rien! La belle, qui n’a pas dit mot de la journée, n’en est…