‘Disgusting, rat infested mess!’ Trump triples down on criticism amid #WeAreBaltimore Twitterstorm
President Trump has unleashed a Twitterstorm on Rep. Elijah Cummings, advising the congressman to clean up the “worst” congressional district in the US instead of criticizing the treatment of migrants at the border.
“Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous.” President Donald Trump said in his first tweet on Saturday. “His district is considered the Worst in the USA.”
Unlike the “clean, efficient and well run” US southern border with Mexico, Maryland’s 7th congressional district is just “filthy,” the president said.
Advising the African-American politician to spend more time in Baltimore, Trump spent most of Saturday tweeting footage of the problems faced by Cummings’ constituents.
Cummings, who earlier accused Trump of racism for his attacks on Democratic congresswomen of color, responded to Trump’s harsh criticism in a rather weak manner, noting that he is active in his community and that his “constitutional duty [is] to conduct oversight of the Executive Branch.”
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The Twitterati, some of them genuinely outraged Baltimoreans, rushed to defend the 68-year-old Democrat with the #WeAreBaltimore hashtag. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi led the charge, calling Trump “racist.”
Others said Baltimore does have problems that need to be fixed, and the fact that Rep. Cummings happens to be African-American does not make Trump a “racist.”
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