The night Chelsea Manning was released from Fort Leavenworth military prison in Kansas, her first steps as a free woman were being filmed. It was May 2017 and she had just served nearly seven years of a 35-year sentence for disclosing 750,000 classified documents to Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks. “It was nerve-racking,” says the man who…
Month: May 2019
Woke-washing: how brands are cashing in on the culture wars
Imagine getting angry over a sandwich. When Marks & Spencer launched its LGBT sandwich – basically, your classic BLT with some gay guacamole thrown in – I, along with a list of other LGBTQ commentators, was asked by ITV’s This Morning if I was offended by the sandwich. I wasn’t, and neither were any of…
Bernie Sanders campaign rallies support at McDonald’s strikes across US
Senator Bernie Sanders rallied supporters to picket lines in cities across the United States on Thursday as McDonald’s workers walked out on strike to fight for a $15 minimum wage, union rights and for McDonald’s to address workplace violence and sexual harassment issues. The Sanders campaign is using its extensive email list to turn out…
American Airlines union: blaming pilots for Boeing 737 Max crashes ‘inexcusable’
Click:CNC milling services American Airlines’ pilots’ union has hit back at Boeing for insinuating that some responsibility for the two crashes of its 737 Max jets lies with the pilots, and claimed AA pilots made several suggestions to Boeing to fix the plane’s anti-stall systems before the second crash. Describing Boeing’s position as “inexcusable”, Dennis…
JPMorgan Chase cuts ties with Purdue Pharma over alleged role in opioid crisis
Banking giant JPMorgan Chase has cut ties with Purdue Pharma over the OxyContin maker’s alleged role in the US opioids crisis, forcing the prescription painkiller manufacturer to find a new bank to manage cash and bill payments, people familiar with the matter said on Thursday. The move makes JPMorgan, the largest US bank by assets,…
I’m not sure a Spice Girls invite is what Theresa May really, really wants
A mixed week for Theresa May. On the one hand: she gave a speech on synthetic changes to her withdrawal agreement bill, the sequencing of which before the European elections is best described as “actual lunacy”; she was widely panned even by her previous supporters for said speech; she faced cabinet mutiny; she was forced…
‘Forgotten coast’: a Florida town fights to rebuild after Hurricane Michael
Five miles away from Mexico Beach, the carcasses of trees appear by the side of the road, still sprouting from the soil. Some bend mid-trunk, pointing towards the lush, spring sun-warmed grass. Others sport branches stripped bare. Then, almost suddenly, the miles of tree graves end and the road dumps on to the white sand…
Global markets rocked as US-China trade and tech rift deepens
Click:buy pool chlorine tablets The deepening trade and technology war between the US and China has sent global stock markets sharply lower and prompted a warning from the IMF of the increasing risks to the global economy. Shares fell sharply in Asia, Europe and North America on a day that saw investors alarmed by the…
‘We’ll fight to the end’: China’s media ramps up rhetoric in US trade war
Over the last week, China’s state media outlets have called the US government delusional, compared it to apes shouting on a river bank, and offered to teach the Americans a Chinese idiom: diandao heibai, “to invert black and white”, or deliberately distort the truth. As trade tensions mount between the US and China, Beijing faces…
Much shorter working weeks needed to tackle climate crisis – study
People across Europe will need to work drastically fewer hours to avoid disastrous climate heating unless there is a radical decarbonising of the economy, according to a study. The research, from thinktank Autonomy, shows workers in the UK would need to move to nine-hour weeks to keep the country on track to avoid more than…